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TOYOTA: Super Bowl XLIX (Copy)

Super Bowl XLIX

USA Today
The 10 best Super Bowl XLIX commercials, according to Ad Meter

SNL Parody featuring Dakota Johnson

I'm not sure what's cooler, making a Super Bowl spot or having it parodied on SNL with over 2.6 million views.
After her graduation from high school, a father (Taran Killam) must let his daughter (Dakota Johnson) go.

CNN News
Did 'SNL' ISIS skit cross a line?
CBS News Did the Dakota Johnson SNL ISIS sketch go too far?

Short Documentary: To Be a Dad (Extended Cut)

How do you become a good father? Is it something you learn from your parents, or a choice you make on your own?
We partnered with director Lauren Greenfield and talked with a cross-section of great dads to find out for ourselves.
In this piece we show that while you can't choose the dad you have, you can choose the dad you'll be.

Fast Company
100 Real Dads, An Acclaimed Director, Lots Of Crying: Behind Toyota’s Tearjerking Dadvertising Hit

Time Magazine Covers

In TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People issue, we featured influential people of a different kind, dads.